In many communities in this nation teachers and study materials are still insufficient at schools.
There are many schools where only the national language and math are taught. Some teachers teach plural subjects, which are not a field of their specialty. Some schools, if their financial or other conditions are met, ask teachers of special subjects such as chemistry and physics to visit their schools, but such schools are not many.
In the meantime, some children have to stop their study before graduating from their middle schools in order to work in cities, if their families are poor.
We are providing such local children with various educational contents that they can’t learn at schools. We want to stimulate every child’s intellectual curiosity and expect him/her to feel, “I want to know more, I want to learn more; It is interesting to find something new!”
Through such experiences we want children to gain a habit to think and imagine by themselves and express their ideas. We believe such experiences should help them open their future, even if they have a difficult situation to go to school or to continue their study or the content they can learn at school is limited.