Several years ago, or even in recent years in remote areas, children would often answer “teacher” or “doctor” as their future dreams. Seems like they didn’t know what to answer otherwise. However now the time has changed and children’s opportunity to access various information has increased, and their answers have been changing.
In the essay work we asked children to write their goal, too, for their new academic year. And many of them wrote even their future dreams. They wrote, for example, to open a flower shop where many customers and beloved friends come, to become a police to help each other with people and to protect our nation, to get a nice job which is kind and moralful for people and society etc. With their broaden perspectives, they tell us these kinds of exciting dreams.
Certainly still many want to be a teacher. But not just because parents say so, children themselves have studied the subject, found it interesting, and came to think “I want to share my knowledge and experiences to younger generations, I want to be the best teacher for students.” In this way now they can explain more specifically.
In still another case, there was a girl, who answered that she would want to work in a factory in the future, when we first met her. Seeing that volunteer students communicating with foreigners including me whenever we visit these children, she has been inspired with those students. She now says she wants to study English more and to be a translator. What pleasant changes these are!