Regarding the visit by foreign staffs, it was the first visit in 10 months to see children in Kratie province. It’s been 10 months to visit Prey Veng, too.
It’ll have been a year to visit Takeo. We’ve prepared a lot of presents for them, too!
The next time we visit Takeo, we want to have a writing program since we expect children have been away from an opportunity to write a composition for long. We have a lot of things we want them to write about: what they were doing while the school was closed (due to Covid19), how the new semester has passed, and their aspirations for the new school year etc. However, because most of the children are not accustomed to writing, we should narrow down the theme.
What about asking them to write about the most interesting lesson content since the new semester has begun? The favorite subject may be the same among some friends, but if lesson content is focused on (for example, a folktale learned in Khmer class, the calculation of angles in mathematics, an episode of one dynasty in history class and so on…), a chance for children to imitate someone sitting next can be reduced, and they can compose an essay of their own.
We are not focusing on teaching how to structure an essay well, at this moment. We are going to make a program that allows children to freely write what they have come up with according to the theme and what they want to write. First we want them to enjoy the program, enjoy writing.